Transformation Success Owner
Role Profile Brief
Success Owners ensure business goals are realised by helping people use and get value from the change, in this case, a new technology deployment.
Success owners are essential in championing technology adoption strategy throughout the organisation. They are typically influential leaders representing a business division or function. They would generally understand the organisational goals for that change and actively communicate them to end users.
NOTE: Success owners can also be called sponsors but are not executive sponsors. They are predominately business sponsors representing parts of the business impacted by the change.
Success Owners will sit within the vital business division or function. They will typically be the head of the department of business function or operating business division.
To identify Success Owners, look out for Heads of Departments or Heads of Business Units who are keen to help you:
Success Owners will typically have all or most of the following qualifications:
There are many activities Success Owners perform throughout a change initiative. However, the most immediate actions are:
North Sakara's Adoption & Change Management consulting practice can help you define what your change team should look like and support your efforts to attract suitable Success Owners for your technology change initiative.
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