An easy-to-use framework for enabling user adoption and propelling your technology change journey forward.
Phase 2:
Design the change
You will design the blueprint for executing the technology change in phase two. This blueprint will be your Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy.
Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy defines how you will deploy the change successfully. It aims to provide a framework for how a structured Adoption & Change Management approach will be applied to manage the people side of change.
It describes what you will do before, during and after you deploy the change. In addition, it documents all the findings from the Discovery Phase in one place, naming your key stakeholders and sponsors, required resources and enablers, including the execution plans you will implement in Phase 3.
Finally, the Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy will be how you will measure and track success.
You should include the following in your Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy document
Make use of the template(s) and guides in the 'Resources' section to generate the following deliverables:
You will need to implement your Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy before seeing any results. But first, you must create the Adoption & Change Execution Plans.
The adoption & change execution plans you create will also address how you will create awareness for change, enable users with the required skills and knowledge, manage resistance to change, and ensure continued adoption of the change.
Complete the activities below to create your Change Execution Plans
Make use of the templates and guides in the 'Resources' section to generate the following deliverables:
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