Technology Adoption Launchpad®

An easy-to-use framework for enabling user adoption and propelling your technology change journey forward.

Phase 2:

Design the change

You will design the blueprint for executing the technology change in phase two. This blueprint will be your Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy.

  • Step 1 - Design the change & adoption strategy


    Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy defines how you will deploy the change successfully. It aims to provide a framework for how a structured Adoption & Change Management approach will be applied to manage the people side of change.

    It describes what you will do before, during and after you deploy the change. In addition, it documents all the findings from the Discovery Phase in one place, naming your key stakeholders and sponsors, required resources and enablers, including the execution plans you will implement in Phase 3.

    Finally, the Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy will be how you will measure and track success.

    You should include the following in your Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy  document

    • Details of the transformational change initiative
    • Why a structured approach to managing the rollout of the change
    • Proposed change team
    • Results of the change risk assessment
    • Adoption and change execution plans (e.g. training and communications plans)
    • How success will be defined, measured, tracked and reported.


    Make use of the template(s) and guides in the 'Resources' section to generate the following deliverables:

    • Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy
    • Updated Change Planning & Execution (CPE) Master Workbook


  • Step 2 - Create the adoption and change execution plans


    You will need to implement your Technology Adoption & Change Management Strategy before seeing any results. But first, you must create the Adoption & Change Execution Plans. 

    The adoption & change execution plans you create will also address how you will create awareness for change, enable users with the required skills and knowledge, manage resistance to change, and ensure continued adoption of the change.


    Complete the activities below to create your Change Execution Plans

    • Build your Awareness Strategy and create a Change Communications Plan: drive awareness through end-user engagement by creating and deploying a communications plan. Your communications plan should deploy various tactics to reach different impact groups. Ensure you focus on the 'what is in it for me?' side of the debate. And finally, tailor the communications plan to your organisation's culture. Access the 8-point guide to creating a communications plan

    • Create a Training Plan: the essence of creating a training plan is to communicate to leadership and all stakeholders how people going through change will be supported before, during and after the change. It stipulates the required knowledge and skills end users will need as they transition from old to new ways of working.  A training plan also serves as a supplementary tool to create awareness of the change. Consider in your training plan essential items such as training requirements, schedule, resources, environment,  and materials that will aid the successful execution of your training plan. [To learn how to develop a training plan and the associated support material, access our 5-step guide to creating a Training Plan. We have created the guide based on the Instructional Design Approach (ISD). Access our 5-point guide to creating a training plan

    • Create a Resistance Intervention Plan: remember that resistance to change - including  - is normal behaviour. A resistance management plan considers the proactive steps and interventions you will deploy to manage resistance.  Your resistance management plan should identify each user group's or impact group's anticipated resistance. Carve out specific interventions tailored to each group. Access our 7-point guide to managing resistance to change.

    • Create your rollout plan:  whatever you introduce to your organisation, consider deployment in bit sizes. Consider creating transition states where you could have a pilot rollout before a scaled rollout. Make sure to communicate the what, why and when of your rollout plan to the change sponsor, stakeholders, managers and impact groups or people.


    Make use of the templates and guides in the 'Resources' section to generate the following deliverables:

    • Training Plan
    • Communications Plan
    • Resistance Intervention Plan
    • Deployment Roadmap
    • Updated Change Planning & Execution (CPE) Master Workbook


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