An easy-to-use framework for enabling user adoption and propelling your technology change journey forward.
Phase 4:
Sustain the change, measure and accelerate to value realisation
In phase 4 - the final phase of Transformation Launchpad - you will accelerate to value realisation.
However, you will only realise value when users adopt the change - in the short and the long term. Business success is, therefore, dependent on continuous usage and user satisfaction. Therefore, apply a strict application of reinforcement messages and demonstrate the value the change brings to individual users.
So you’ve worked through a communications and training strategy and started your end users on a learning path. But now, how do you measure the success of their adoption?
User adoption is about usage. And usage is about how quickly, how frequently, and ultimately, how many people adopt or use the change consistently.
You should start tracking and reporting on user adoption from the first day of go-live. You should use the KPI definitions and KPI success scorecard you created during Phase One of this adoption framework.
Tracking adoption is crucial to determining whether your implemented change management interventions are working. It is also an excellent way to report back to senior leadership on any successes or failures during and after the launch.
Start by collecting system-generated data to track the following user adoption KPIs or metrics.
Change Planning & Execution (CPE) Master Workbook. Download the workbook.
While the previous step provided insight into adoption stats, this step provides insight into what might be hindering your user adoption efforts.
Launch user satisfaction surveys to gather feedback from users directly. Data from user surveys will provide useful insight into how users are feeling and how that impacts user adoption.
The results of the surveys conducted in step two should present a unique opportunity to embed corrective measures where required. Work with stakeholders to complete the activities below:
The goal here is to increase adoption over time. You can achieve this by stimulating excitement via reinforcement messages to support continuous usage of the change.
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